"Is the world unreal?"


 Why should it be unreal? What you are asking is a matter for philosophical discussion.

In the beginning, when a man reasons following the Vedantic method of 'Not this, not this', he realizes that Brahman is not the living beings, not the universe, not the twenty-four cosmic principles. All these things become like dreams to him. Then comes the affirmation of what has been denied, and he feels that God Himself has become the universe and all living beings.

Suppose you are climbing to the roof by the stairs. As long as you are aware of the roof, you are also aware of the stairs. He who is aware of the high is also aware of the low. But after reaching the roof you realize that the stairs are made of the same materials-brick, lime, and brick-dust-as the roof.

Further, I have given the illustration of the bel-fruit. Both changeability and unchangeability belong to one and the same Reality.

The ego cannot be done away with. As long as 'I-consciousness' exists, living beings and the universe must also exist. After realizing God, one sees that, it is He Himself who has become the universe and the living beings. But one cannot realize this by mere reasoning.

Śiva has two states of mind. First, the state of samādhi, when He is transfixed in the Great Yoga.

He is then Atmarama, satisfied in the Self.

Second, the state when He descends from samādhi and keeps a trace of ego.

Then He dances about, chanting, 'Rama, Rama'.....

The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna,


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