Unless it is scrutinised dispassionately its tricks are never fully discovered :

1.You are kept waiting for a long time by some other persons,

2.You are insulted or abused for no reason,

 3.Others fail in their duties towards you, and

4.You suffer a loss or bereavement.

If none of these can disturb your peace of mind and you are indifferent to them,

then you have won the struggle and achieved 50% self-control.

God sends trails and troubles to strengthen our character.

Greet them and test yourself.

The mind has the knack of making the unwary aspirant confidently think himself its master,

while it makes a hopeless fool of him.

Its deceptions are subtle.

You have heard the saying, “The Devil can quote scriptures for its purpose.”

Similarly the mind can use a virtue to indulge in a vice.

It has an inborn inclination to perversion.

It can even take the support of a perfectly good principle seemingly to justify the most unprincipled sort of action.

Unless it is scrutinised dispassionately its tricks are never fully discovered.

Swami Sivananda


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