God :

As the cloud covers the sun, so Maya hides the Deity.

When the cloud moves away, the sun is seen again; when Maya is removed, God becomes manifest.

The sun can give heat and light to the world, but he cannot do so when the clouds shut out his rays.

Similarly as long as egotism veils the heart, God cannot shine upon it.

Do you seek God?

Then seek Him in man.

His divinity is manifest more in man than in any other object.

Look around for a man whose heart overflows with the love of God, a man who lives, moves and has his being in God-a man intoxicated with His love.

In such a man God manifests Himself.

Fire itself has no definite shape, but as glowing embers it assumes different forms.

Thus the formless fire is seen endowed with forms.

Similarly, the formless God sometimes invests Himself with definite forms.

Sayings of Sri Ramakrishna,

Sri Ramakrishna Mission


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