Is there a need for a seeker to read the scriptures?

As long as the seeker has this question, there is need for him/her to read and be guided by the scriptures.

It is like asking, ‘Is there a need for a hungry person to eat’. Samartha Ramdasa ji says, “Once the goal is attained there is no need for sadhana”.

First it is necessary to determine the goal and the means and then one should remain steadfast in the means adopted.

Even after that there is a need to listen, read and reflect on the scriptures so as to remove doubts and obstacles in the way. After the experience of the Truth there is no need to do anything.

In order to turn the mind towards higher contemplation and realization of the divine Self, a sense of detachment from the fascination for the world and its avenues of enjoyment is imperative.

Such detachment has to be cultivated at the mental level. It cannot be obtained by mere physical retirement from the world but by maintaining a proper relationship with it.

Great results are gained not merely because of the volume of work or the amount of excitement in the worker’s bosom.

The final results and their glory will depend upon a certain equipoise of the worker’s mind, constantly dedicated and surrendered to Him whom a spiritual seeker is adoring and worshipping with every activity that he undertakes

Swami Chinmayananda


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