The Jnani experiences God-Consciousness within himself; it is like the upper Ganges, flowing in only one direction :

Repeat God's name and sing His glories, and keep holy company; and now and then visit God's devotees and holy men.

The mind cannot dwell on God if it is immersed day and night in worldliness, in worldly duties and responsibilities; it is most necessary to go into solitude now and then and think of God.

To fix the mind on God is very difficult, in the beginning, unless one practises meditation in solitude.

When a tree is young it should be fenced all around; otherwise it may be destroyed by cattle.

A parrot repeats by rote the holy name of RadhaKrishna, but as soon as it is caught by a cat it screams 'kang, kang', betraying its natural cry.

Worldly wise men sometimes repeat the name of Hari (God) and perform various pious and charitable deeds with the hope of worldly gains, but when misfortune, sorrow, poverty and death overtake them, they forget Him and all such deeds.

The Jnāni experiences God-Consciousness within himself; it is like the upper Ganges, flowing in only one direction.

To him the whole universe is illusory, like a dream; he is always established in the Reality of Self.

But with the lover of God the case is different.

His feeling does not flow in only one direction.

He feels both the ebb-tide and the flood-tide of divine emotion.

He laughs and weeps and dances and sings in the ecstasy of God.

The lover of Clicks to sport with Him.

In the Ocean of God-Consciousness he sometimes swims, sometimes goes down, and sometimes rises to the surface-like pieces of ice in the water.

The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna,


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