Yajna Experience :


At one yajna, a listener tuned in to Swamiji’s words in a particularly deep way.

And the more she tuned in, the less important became the words - to the point where they seemed ridiculous.

She looked at Swamiji on the lecturer’s platform, and he seemed to be Shiva himself, dancing about in the form of Nataraja.

She said to him in her mind :-

“How ridiculous that you keep talking on in words! It’s so simple! It’s all just Shiva’s dance! The true teaching of Vedanta is so far beyond any words that you or anyone else might utter!”

He looked across the many heads in the audience and straight into her eyes and winked meaningfully with both of his eyes as a smile spread across his face.

She knew then that he had heard her inner cry and was agreeing with her.

Flood your mind with love.

Look into the eyes of the other and embrace the person with whom you have quarreled.

Words are not necessary.

Both will have their eyes flooded, and the joy of tears will wash away all quarrels.


At a Gita Jnana - Yajna in India, all the dignitaries but one had already assembled on the dais and Gurudev was ready to start, but the Governor had not yet arrived.

When he finally did, Gurudev remarked sternly :-

“If you, Governor, come late, what do you expect the people who look up to you to do?” ‪

Swami Chinmayananda


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