Fix the gaze on the point. Do not allow the eyes to wander :


We can increase our faith and self-surrender only if we are repeatedly tested in the crucible of difficulties, disappointments, failures and losses. Then only can we see to what extent we have faith in God, and to what extent our surrender has grown. That is the mysterious way in which God's Grace works.


Where is your boasted intellect when Satan or Mara assails you? Your boasted intellect fails when you are assailed by temptations. Your boasted intellect cannot solve the why and how of the mystery of this universe. It cannot solve the transcendental problems. However mighty your intellect, in the twinkling of an eye you become the slave or victim of Satan or Mara. You become this sporting pleasure-creature. When you become angry, where is your boasted intellect?


Have full faith in Apta Vakyas – the words of seers and Yogis who have realised and have given their emphatic declaration in the Upanishads – Yo Vai Bhuma Tat Sukham; Na Alpe Sukham Asti- Chandogya Upanishad 7.23.1 (The Infinite is the satisfying happiness. In the finite no happiness). You can get that Supreme Bliss only in that transcendental Bhuma which is not conditioned by time, space and causation. But man is deluded into thinking that he can obtain bliss from the objects.


You must have a subtle intellect. There are three kind of intellects – subtle intellect, pure intellect and gross intellect. It is very difficult to have a pure mind when there is selfishness. We must remove all the Vrittis one by one and generate the Satwic current. You must cultivate virtues. In the thirteenth chap of the Gita Lord Krishna has enumerated certain qualities. You must cultivate them all, one by one.


Every man should have a comprehensive understanding of the laws of thought and their operations. Then alone can one live, in this world smoothly and happily. He can utilize the helping forces to serve his ends in the best possible manner.


One thing at a time and that done well is a very good rule as many can tell. When you take up any work apply your whole heart full mind and soul to the work. Do it with perfect concentration. Even when you study, study the subject with perfect concentration. Do not allow the mind to wander. You must shut out all external sounds. Fix the gaze on the point. Do not allow the eyes to wander.

Swami Sivananda


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