(Delivered at the Shakespeare Club House, in Pasadena, California, on January 18, 1900)

 For Recap -Read Part-1, 2, & 3. )

THE LECTURE :- Continued from part-3.

All growth, progress, well-being, or degradation is but relative.

It refers to a certain standard, and each man to be understood has to be referred to that standard of his perfection.

You see this more markedly in nations : what one nation thinks good might not be so regarded by another nation.

Cousin-marriage is quite permissible in this country.

Now, in India, it is illegal; not only so, it would be classed with the most horrible incest.

Widow-marriage is perfectly legitimate in this country.

Among the higher castes in India it would be the greatest degradation for a woman to marry twice.

So, you see, we work through such different ideas that to judge one people by the other's standard would be neither just nor practicable.

Therefore we must know what the ideal is that a nation has raised before itself.

When speaking of different nations, we start with a general idea that there is one code of ethics and the same kind of ideals for all races; practically, however, when we come to judge of others, we think what is good for us must be good for everybody; what we do is the right thing, what we do not do, of course in others would be outrageous.

I do not mean to say this as a criticism, but just to bring the truth home.

When I hear Western women denounce the confining of the feet of Chinese ladies, they never seem to think of the corsets which are doing far more injury to the race.

This is just one example; for you must know that cramping the feet does not do one-millionth part of the injury to the human form that the corset has done and is doing —

when every organ is displaced and the spine is curved like a serpent.

When measurements are taken, you can note the curvatures.

I do not mean that as a criticism but just to point out to you the situation, that as you stand aghast at women of other races, thinking that you are supreme, the very reason that they do not adopt your manners and customs shows that they also stand aghast at you.

Swami Vivekananda


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