God should not be a faith but an experience :

You are not the product of your own destiny but a product of CHOICE.

Don't blame the circumstances or the past, use the present and change the Future.

We have the power to change our thoughts.

Your attraction or craving can exist only as long as you think someone is ' other '.

When you understand they are a part of you or your Self , then the attraction dies out.

You then enjoy the whole world without a sense of craving.

One of the hardest lessons in Life is to LET GO.

Whether it is guilt, anger, love, loss etc.

Change is never easy , you fight to hold on and you fight to let go.

Believe in yourself because you are an Amazing Soul.

God should not be a faith but an experience.

Once you learn to drop your mind into Silence that is when one is able to feel God within.

With regular practice of dropping thoughts and getting into silence we too can achieve this experience/ feeling.

Swami Udit Chaithanya



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