Watch your consciousness :

 Those who are always ready to improve and expand themselves are like receptive children.

We should not be afraid of anything in the world but live for God and truth and love everybody.

If someone misunderstands me, I try to establish an understanding .

But if I cannot change that person, neither can I be moved by his bad behaviour.

If a non understanding person has made up his mind against you, why should you change in order to please him?

Stand by your principles when you are right, and be willing instantly to change yourself when you are wrong .

Will power is easy to develop.

Gradually we can get rid of tendencies we thought we cannot overcome.

Watch your consciousness.

Develop the habit of self examination, of watching and analysing your thoughts and behaviour.

We should be able to discriminate and resist with our will power when there are signs of bad habits or inclinations.

Swami Udit Chaithanya


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