To move towards blessedness and perfection :

 All life is one. The world is one home. All are members of one human family. All creation is an organic whole. No man is independent of this whole. Man makes himself miserable by separating himself from others. Separation is death. Unity is eternal life. Cultivate cosmic love. Include all. Embrace all. Serve all. Recognise the worth of others. Destroy all barriers, racial, religious and natural prejudices that separate man from man. Cease to find fault with others. Realise your unity with all.

God the supreme Redeemer, redeems us through religion with the help of His messengers the saints and seers, who are the incarnated expression of His redeeming power and grace. Salutations and prostrations to the supreme being, the eternal source of all existences. Salutations to the one universal God, who is the source of all religions and the goal of all aspirants.

One should be a living embodiment of religion in practice. One should be a personification of religion idealism and spiritual consciousness. The personalities and the daily life of religious man should constitute sermons in action and guidance by example. All spiritual seekers should give to religion the living spark of vitality and dynamism which would keep it vibrant with a living impulse of Divinity.

The spirit of religion seeks to guide man along the path that leads to his welfare and peace and happiness. It throws light upon the path of life to enable man to avoid the pitfalls of temptations and wrong actions that lead to sorrow and result in pain and misery. The essential content of the universal religion is the avoidance of evil, cruelty and untruth and the cultivation of purity compassion and selflessness. Religion means growth into godliness through goodness, and worship.

In short, religion is an ever-present call to humanity to move towards blessedness and perfection. It is a call to humanity to evolve into Divine. It is a call to the transformation of the gross worldly life into radiant divine life. It is a persistent inner call to every man and women to live in purity to live in goodness and to move towards perfection. In religion is inhered a powerful plea nay an urgent mandate, to every individual to manifest purity in thought word and deed to think good, to feel good, to speak good and to act good.

Swami Sivananda


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