Expression the fragrance of one’s positive qualities :

How then am I to work? How will I prepare for my performances in the world outside? How can my behaviour, my daily contact in life be improved?

Who amongst us does not wish to become something better than what we are?

We lose our temper, sometimes even with our mother and father and it is not that we are disloyal and disrespectful to them, but perhaps at home no one takes you seriously.

You start to despair. ‘No one seems to understand me, I am unhappy, a hundred things disturb me.

Emotions gurgle out, I make a mess of my life, I make myself a dirty, filthy and ugly individual, I have no patience.

What is in me that is repelling others?’

These unwanted qualities are known as ‘negative qualities’– our immoral or unethical actions.

The modern psychologists term them as negative ideas.

When negative ideas are expressed in one’s character, others get repelled from that person.

If one can bring out into expression the fragrance of one’s positive qualities, then people rush towards that individual, charmed by his beauty and grace.

Swami Chinmayananda


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