The perception of separateness is an error :

Thinkers in ancient India gradually came to understand that that idea of separateness was erroneous, that there was a connection among all those distinct objects—

there was a unity which pervaded the whole universe—

trees, shrubs, animals, men, Devas, even God Himself;

the Advaitin reaching the climax in this line of thought declared all to be but the manifestations of the One.

In reality, the metaphysical and the physical universe are one, and the name of this One is Brahman; and the perception of separateness is an error.

To all women, every man except her husband should be as her son.

To all men, every woman except his own wife should be as his mother.

When I look about me and see what you call gallantry, my soul is fixed with disgust.

Not until you learn to ignore question of sex and to meet on a ground of common humanity will women and men really develop.

Experience is the only teacher we have.

We may talk and reason all our lives, but we shall not understand a word of truth until we experience it ourselves.

Swami Vivekananda


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