The Need For Spiritual Regeneration-2.

As a supplement to this, the spirit of selfless service should be infused into every man from his childhood-days.

This is the point at which religion meets ethics and sociology; for the first posits the one Self alone pervades all existence.

Hence, every piece of service done to others amounts to a benefit conferred on ourselves.

The more this sublime basis of human actions is recognised and adopted, the more rapid will be man’s evolution towards perfection and divinisation.

The emphasis in human relations should be shifted from right to duties.

Communalism, racialism, nationalism—all ‘isms’ are only the different hoods of the same hydra-headed monster of selfishness and insistence upon rights and disregard of duties and should, therefore, give place to one all-embracing Universalism.

National borders should gradually lose their artificial significance and importance; and one by one, all difference—of religion and language, social and moral codes, cultural and political institutions—should vanish and be replaced by the greatest common measure of uniformity of outlook, interests and conduct.

In this age of atomic armament, racial hatred and policies of national greed, organised exploitation, inter-national exclusiveness, intolerance and distrust, our task is not so much the alteration and transformation of the patterns, policies and plans of the governments of the nations of the world as the creation of a great world-enveloping movement for a mass spiritual education and for the purification and the transfigurations of the nature and the personal propensities of the individual.

The paramount importance and the imperative and indispensable necessity for the moral, ethical and cultural refinement of the individual personality upon a world-wide scale is to be realised first and foremost.

For, the prime and fundamental unit of all wider groups like class, race, nation and human society the world over is the individual man.

Swami Sivananda
To be continued.....


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