Rays from the Light Fountain -1.

Rays from the Light Fountain -1.
 Sri Swami Chidananda

Success in all undertakings is attained as a result of effort; effort put forth in the firm conviction that sincere and earnest human endeavor never goes unfulfilled. Success is not achieved by never encountering failure. Failure is often a part of success. Failure is not final. Success is final. Failure is merely incidental. In our effort to attain perfection, failure may assail us many times. This doesn’t matter. Failure is not a sin. It is giving up effort that sinful. Failing is not a great fault. But wanting to sit down where one has fallen, refusing to rise up and struggle on, that, indeed is a bad fault. Ultimately, success is built over failure, won by persevering effort.

There are many examples of this great quality of perseverance. You remember in what thrilling words Lord Buddha expressed his determination to attain enlightenment. After going to so many gurus, following so many paths, practicing so many austerities, becoming emaciated finally and losing his health, he decided to give up extreme austerities and physical tortures, self-inflicted, in the name (the false name) of penance. "Extremities," he realized are not good. Penance is necessary, a certain degree of austerity, and mortification is necessary, but extremes are not in accordance with the law."

So saying, he took a little nourishment and sat down under the Bodhi Tree. "Now, no matter what happens," he resolved, "come what may, I am determined to attain enlightenment. If this body has to shrivel up, if the skin has to wither and fall away, if the very bones of my body have to dry up and crumble away, yet Siddhartha will not leave this seat, until and unless illumination is attained. Let the body dry up, let the flesh wither and fall away, let the bones crumble and collapse. Until enlightenment comes, Siddhartha will not budge." Then what a great inner struggle, what a storm and a hurricane he had to pass through! But Siddhartha did not move.

Such should be one’s determination. Such should be one’s dedication to the life of lofty virtue, the path of light, the great goal of self-realization. Whatever one is engaged in, whatever type of life one is leading, inwardly one should be ever rising upward, God ward, divine ward, up, up to this great attainment. If there is this determination and dedication, there is such ceaseless striving and effort, ultimately realization must come.

To be continued  ...


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