The Secret of Being Happy -9.

(Spoken on October 19, 1972)


But the Truth value of all things is the undying value that is invisible to the physical eyes and incapable of cognition through the apparatus of the mind and the senses. There is something within us that we do not know ourselves – some mystery within us, on account of which we love life. What is the most dear thing to us? Life itself. All activities are for the sake of living. All possessions are for the sake of living. And what kind of living? We want a free and unhampered living, which we call a life of happiness.

Our aspiration, therefore, is to manifest in our life a quality called happiness which is unending in space and in time. This is only a theoretical and academic acceptance to most people. Learned men, scholars and protagonists of religion do accept that truth and righteousness are the supreme meanings of life. But no one knows what Truth is, and no one can define what righteousness is. Inasmuch as its very conception is difficult, it becomes more difficult to implement in one’s life, so that our learning is a waste.

It has become a husk. It is a quantity that we are carrying on our heads as a kind of weight and a load which is of no value to us when we are actually in need and are suffering. When we suffer, we have to suffer alone. No one can help because suffering is a private condition of the mind which cannot be transferred to other people. It is brought about by circumstances beyond the control of the mind.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  ..


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