'Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi' -2.

Talk 81.

Thinking is the world. It creates the world
We think and our thoughts appear as the external objects. That the world had been before we were born and continues to be after we are dead, and that science and history bear evidence to this fact, does not alter the truth that even these scientific and historical facts are our present thoughts or notions --- notions which haunt us as long we are in jagrat.

All the worlds and the billions of ages which they have lased, tumble down like a pack of cards the moment we lay our heads on the pillow and sail off from jagrat, and with them come down the history of the people who preceded and the world which preceded the people, etc.,,

Yet, notwithstanding the total pralaya of our jagrat thoughts, the complete blotting out of the universe --- in our beds ---- we continue to BE, to travel to new lands and cross new seas, though lands and seas are, like jagrat, our own creation. So the dreamer of jagrat alone is real --- the jagrat dream is a total false

Sri Ramanasramam


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