The Secret of Being Happy -8.

(Spoken on October 19, 1972)


The second defect of the mind is to associate quality with a relationship. Though we know that quality is an inherent truth behind a quantity, we cannot understand what that quality is. For example, we say a flower is blue. Now, the blueness is a quality of that flower, but this blueness is incapable of perception unless there are other things different from blue. If everything in the world is blue, there will be no such thing as blue colour. So the existence of a quality of an object as we conceive it is only a relationship of one quantity with another quantity, so that even this so-called quality has become a camouflage of quantity.

The third thing is the relationship that we try to establish between one thing and another thing, which is very artificial. There is no such thing as a physical relationship of one thing with another thing because the moment one physical body relates itself organically with another physical body, the two bodies become one body. But that does not happen. We cannot see one body merging into another.

The fourth way of thinking is to conceive every quantity as existing in a particular condition. It is up or down, right or left. It is heavy or light. It is moving or not moving. These are the modes or conditions that we attribute to objects.

Swami Krishnananda

To be continued  ..


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