Srimad Bhagavad Gita : 4.

Hari Om!
Imagine, this was stated 5000 years ago, when there were no laboratories to conduct experiments on human psychology and no universities to award academic credentials for the exemplary studies.

What a great mind was this Sage!

Each one, in the endless list of characters in the great epic Mahabharatha symbolizes a particular ‘mind culture’.

Life always offers mixing and interacting with various kinds of characters and cultures. We get close to ‘like minded’ people very easily.

On the contrary, we get into clashes with people who have opposite or very different mindsets and tend to stay away from them. Understand, both these create pain and uneasiness in our minds and truly helplessly, we bear them and get adjusted with them.

It is an art, to express yourselves without hurting others. It needs skill to save your mind from bondage and wreckage while dealing with others’ positive and negative characters. Only a great mind can attain this ability. Sri Vyasa  guides us to achieve this most important potentiality as he concludes Mahabharath.

Swami Udit Chaithanya
To be continued  ...

Devotees in Satsangam


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