To understand the essence of (Tatwam )Ramayana is not that easy. One needs a scientific intellect.The .The beauty is when one understands this can experienced in this very life itself .This has been proved by our ancestors .


 Thursday, November 12, 2020. 07:54. AM.

Ramayana Tattvam :


To understand the essence of (Tatwam )Ramayana is not that easy. One needs a scientific intellect.The .The beauty is when one understands this can experienced in this very life itself .This has been proved by our ancestors . 

While other religions talk about Heaven, we do not experience heaven on the top of earth when Alive. The heaven far away in the sky is impossible for us to experience but here , Rama twatwam can be experienced in this life itself.The only one religion that turns knowledge to experience is Hinduism. 

When we speak about Rama Tatwam ... what does it mean? Rama Sita Tatwan is what Parama Shivan explains to Sita Devi in Ramayana. When told as a story, after Ram’s victory over Ravan , Sita was welcomed at Ayodhya after her Agni Pariksha, Raman who reached Ayodhya while ruling there, asked Sita to explain Rama Tatwam to Hanuman Swami. Sita Devi explains Rama Tatwan . 

Who is Raman and who is Sita ? 

Sita Devi conveys this in the language of modern Physics . Sita is this Universe ( Prakriti Shakti ) When we look at the universe what we see is the gross forms which is nothing but subtle energy . That means the base is vibrating Energy. It is what we call electrons, neutrons or protons. 

This is connected to various molecules and results in many forms that we see around in nature . Eg... Sun, Moon , Earth, Fire, Water... all these are combinations like hydrogen and oxygen mixes to become water, other molecules also mix to form various other combinations. As they become a form and remain for sometime and then again go through many changes that affect them, until they get back to their original energy state further undergoing continuous motion. 

We notice 3 things in the Universe.... a subtle energy which manifests into a visible form. What was already present, sustains and goes back into its original source which our Rishi’s have said is what Einstein also had said later.... this Universe is nothing but energy which is constantly moving and changes its form. We recognise that everything whether in the body or outside moves in a particular pattern and not as it feels or likes . 

There are certain laws that it follows . The movement is in a systematic pattern. Who do you think created this rule? Is it the God sitting in the sky or who else ? Here is where every religion has asked a basic question regarding GOD. This we shall see in our next post.




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