There is no essential difference between ' I ' and the cause of the Universe :

There are fears that we carry within us that are not of the present. Something happened to us in the dark and we are now afraid of the dark. Fears in relationships: you opened your heart, you fell in love and, after a time, you experienced pain, you felt hurt, misunderstood, manipulated, deceived or mistreated, and now you no longer open your heart for anything; it is closed off with the shields that you yourself have created.

To overcome this kind of fear due to experiences you have lived through, you have to come to terms with your past and accept it fully. You cannot change your past; lamenting the past doesn't help you; complaining about the past doesn't benefit you. Those shields brought about by fears do not disappear unless you do a deep cleansing. Begin to heal your experience of the past. Part of the past is healed with forgiveness. Without forgiving, you cannot forget.

The teachings of the Gita and Upanishads tell us that there is no essential difference between ' I ' and the cause of the Universe. The individual Jiva- limited knowledge and power- and Eeshwara, all knowledge and power, despite apparent differences in form, enjoy one reality which is Consciousness, Sat-chit-ananda. Bringing to mind this equation is called contemplation.
Swami Udit Chaithanya


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