Rays from the Light Fountain -6.

Deep inner sorrow you may have. On the path of bhakti, for instance, the devotee experiences sorrow, this pain is something so secret and so deep, that it does not appear outwardly. In his daily activities the devotee is radiant; he is calm and balanced. This spiritual pain, this deep inner sorrow is of the soul. It is concealed within. It is a languishing of the spirit. It is never known to any save himself and his God. The divine principle is always at work in him and the true devotee is always radiating peace calm.

Dedicate yourself to the path of purity. With determination follow the path of virtue and the path of good character, and the path of good conduct. Resolve firmly to remember God, to pray, to study, to contemplate, to serve. Build up inwardly a mighty and dynamic wave, a strong and steady movement towards the Supreme Being. Let every day be filled with selfless activity, dedicated to a noble cause and a grand ideal.

Now I would like to touch briefly on the definition of the term yoga. There are two general ways in which yoga is defined. One is popular and strictly classical. In Patanjali’s Raja Yoga, first of all, the term designates one of the six great theoretical systems in Indian philosophy. Among these systems or shad-darshanas, one is yoga. According to the specific and the classical definition then, yoga means yoga-dharshana.
Sri Swami Chidananda


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