Beware! Worldly thought enslaves you – It is a disease by itself :

"All creation is an organic whole. No man is independent of that whole. Separation is death, unity is eternal life. Smile with the flower and the green grass. Play with the butterflies, birds and deer. Shake hands with the shrubs, ferns and twigs of trees. Talk to the rainbow, wind, stars and the sun. Converse with the running brooks and the waves of the sea..."

"Love vibrates in the form of service, charity, generosity and benevolence. Daya is active benevolence. It is the positive expression of love. Ahimsa (non-injury) is the negative expression of love. Passive goodness alone is not sufficient. Active goodness or positive goodness is very essential for one's spiritual advancement. The aspirant should be ever doing actions."

Practise purity, do regular charity, Develop nobility, magnanimity, you will surely attain Divinity. Live to love all.

Live to serve all. Live to realise the Truth.

Remember! God watches your every thought and action.

You can never escape His notice. He is closer to you than your breath and jugular vein.

 Beware! Worldly thought enslaves you – It is a disease by itself.

It upsets your spiritual progress. It pins you to mundane things.
~ Swami Sivananda


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