What Is The Vedantic Message Of The Ramayanam? -3. Swami Chinmayananda

What did she do there? We must also go through the same discipline. She refused to co-operate with materialism all around. When she says ‘NO’, materialism cannot touch her.

She remained under Ashoka tree. Shoka is sorrow and Ashoka is sorrowless. Though there is sorrow in all our minds, we refuse to recognise it. There under the Ashoka tree, she contemplated on Shri Rama with a sense of total surrender, recognising and realising the terrible mistake that she made and remained there.

When we thus remain contemplating on Shri Rama, every seeker will get intimation from the Divine, Shri Rama that ‘I am coming’. Hanuman reaches her and gives her the symbol. Her hope increases and she is confident that Shri Rama is coming. She awaits the arrival of Shri Rama.

As Sita weeps for him, Shri Rama also expresses sentimental emotions. Valmiki wants to communicate to us that when we cry for God, he responds. How will he go there? He is in the jungle. The only army he can have is made up of monkeys.

We find so much of criticism in Western literature that monkeys cannot make an army. But here it has to be monkeys. Human minds and thoughts are the only ally for the Lord, the spiritual Self, for I and you to reach that state.

Monkeys and human minds have the same qualities of ‘chanchalatwa’ and ‘asthiratwa’ (lack concentration and attention).

To be continued ..


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