Srimad Bhagavatha Mahtmyam - Elixir or Essence of all Vedas, Puranas and Upanishads - CH-1.10. 3.-Udith Chaithanyaji


1.10. Narada Tells about the Dark Nature of Kali Yuga -3.

1.9. How Narada Met the Four Kumaras : last paras - Continued

Women were forced to undergo more suffering. Hence the children were spoiled with all bad characters. It is evident that children brought up by evil women will be a curse to the society. Goodness had been burnt to ashes in the fire of Kali Yuga.

Note – When the night is the darkest, it is so scary and it will seem that the dawn will never come. But remember, Lord Krishna was born in the darkness of mid night. So, when every thing seems to be upside down, it can turn out to be the best moment too.

Wise people always advise carrying mothers to participate in Satsangs and listen to discourses so that the new born child will come to this world with that culture.

Narada’s Meeting with Bhakti and Her Sons

Wandering all over the earth, dismayed by the state of affairs during Kali Yuga, Narada reached the banks of the River Yamuna. This had been the favourite spot of Lord Krishna. There he saw a beautiful young woman sitting sadly with two old men lying unconscious on her either side.

To be continued ...


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