The Total Solution to the Total Problem - 19. Swami Krishnananda


This is a great difficulty, a great difficulty indeed. Any amount of learning in a schoolboy’s sense may not suffice here because all textbooks which we are pampered with in our academies and studies are description, characterisation, information of that which is in space and in time – call it biology, chemistry, physics or mathematics. What does it matter which name we call it? All the sciences and the arts of life are descriptive information conveyed to the empirical mind of man of that which is contained in space and time. It is not a problem of space and time itself. Here, therefore, is the inadequacy of all our education. All our studies mean a naught when we face this tiger of this peculiar difficulty before us, which we do not know as to where it is placed.

How is the solution to be sought? Not by the jargons of religion or the shibboleths of the modern doctrinaires in society and political scenes. They will be crying in the wilderness. They go on crying, and nobody is going to listen to their cries. People cry in the universities, they cry in churches, they cry in temples, they cry in parliaments. Let them cry. Who is going to listen to them? This cry cannot touch the root of the problem, and therefore, it is not important. It does not attract attention.

To be continued ....


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