Now, you choose!

In such days of work, when you are fulfilling your duties toward others around you, you should not worry if you miss your studies and daily practises.

After all, make the work a worship unto Him, by whose law and grace you became the mother of your dear daughter.

These are our duties toward others around us.

All have emerged from Him - and so all are His own forms.

He alone is; everything else is the interpretation of the mind-intellect equipment only.

Let us dedicate even our breathing unto His service... by serving others around us.

We need not go out of our way searching for work; but when our duties come to our door, let us do them fully, entirely, beautifully.

Everyone points to the other man,who, according to him, is happier But the only one, who has the courage to declare that he is truly happy, is he who has relinquished all his passions and hungers from within.

There has never been power with purity - anywhere, at any time.

If you want to be pure, you must stand alone.

If you want to do positive things, achieve something, leave the world a mite better than you found it, then you must choose power and throw some of your purity away.

There is no other choice.

What would you have must be your own choice. Now, you choose!

Swami Chinmayananda


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