1. Sattvic Mind, 2. Perfection, 3. A Segregation from God, 4. ‘I’ thought, 5. Getting rid of the ‘I am the body’ idea, 6. The only happiness there is, is of the Self :

1. Sattvic Mind :

Purity of heart, self-restraint, evenness of temper, tenderness towards all beings, fortitude and freedom from desire, hatred and arrogance are the outstanding virtues of the sattvic mind.

2. Perfection :

Being perfect, why do you feel yourself imperfect? Such is the teaching of all the religions. Whatever may be the experiences, the experiencer is one and the same. ‘I’ is purna - perfection.

3. A Segregation from God :

Why does the waking ‘I’ feel imperfect? Because the one who feels imperfect is a spurious offshoot, a differentiation from the Infinite - a segregation from God.

4.‘I’ thought : 

If one enquires whence the ‘I’ thought in the body arises in the first instance, it will be found that it is from hrdayam or the Heart. That is the source and stay of the mind. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

5.Getting rid of the ‘I am the body’ idea : 

Getting rid of the ‘I am the body’ idea and merging the mind into the Heart to realize the Self as non-dual being and the light of all is the real significance of darshan of the beacon of light on Annamalai (Arunachala), the centre of the universe.

6. The only happiness there is, is of the Self : 

That is the truth.

There is no happiness in worldly objects.

Because of our ignorance

we imagine we derive happiness from them.

~ Sri Ramana Maharshi (Gems I)


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