Stick One Path ( feel not other paths wrong ) + Catch favourable wind minus Momentary Aberrations ( despondency, grief and unbelief ) :


You must stick to one path with all your strength.

A man can reach the roof of a house by stone stairs or a ladder or a rope-ladder or a rope or even by a bamboo pole.

But he cannot reach the roof if he sets foot now on one and now on another.

He should firmly follow one path.

 Likewise, in order to realize God a man must follow one path with all his strength.

But you must regard other views as so many paths leading to God.

You should not feel that your path is the only right path and that other paths are wrong.

You mustn't bear malice toward others.


The wind of God's grace is incessantly blowing.

Lazy sailors on the sea of life do not take advantage of it.

But the active and the strong always keep the sails of their minds unfurled to catch the favourable wind and thus reach their destination very soon.


The water of a rapid stream moves round and round in eddies and whirlpools in some places; but passing these it resumes again, a straight and swift course.

Similarly the heart of a devotee is caught every now and then in the whirlpool of despondency, grief and unbelief; but this is only a momentary aberration and does not last long.

The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna,

Sri Ramakrishna Mission


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