Spirituality And Children -1. Satsang With Swami Chinmayananda


"Swami Chinmayananda answers the questions of devotees put forward to Him regarding exposing children to spirituality from childhood."

Q : We have two children, both under three years of age. How do we actively begin our· children's spiritual education beyond what they passively learn by observing, their parents, so that their spiritual progress may be constant, subtle, and consistent?

A : Do not ever misunderstand that children of that age are merely passive observers. In fact, only after we have grown up do we learn that art of passive, dull, sleepy, and sloppy observation. If children of that age are passive observers, how then are they able to learn a language? Is not everything new, fresh, mysterious to them? In fact, child psychologists have concluded that children in that age group need more rest as well as more frequent feedings because during those few years of early childhood they have to be alert and learn much more than in their later life. The rate of absorption of knowledge and experience in those early years is stupendous.

Therefore, an atmosphere of religion and spiritual values around them is very important in moulding and enhancing their mental life. Between the ages of three and five, your children can be introduced to stories of  Krishna and Rama and Buddha.These stories of the spiritual giants of the world, recounting their experiences, their trials and inner strength in overcoming temptations, as well as the positive experiences of joy that they gain, may all be passed on to your children with appropriate expressiveness. Let these stories be told now and then by the father also.

Make it a point for the children to pray before their meals, not too elaborately, but for a short yet serious moment. Whenever they ask questions about flowers, clouds, butterflies, or frogs, be alert to flavor your honest explanations with a hint about the play of God around us. Leave them with these small hints; do not go into details. Let there be a comer in your home for prayer - a quiet private chapel or simple altar. Let your children watch both of you praying to the Lord regularly.

When the children have grown to be between the ages of eight and ten. at a fixed time for one half hour every day, sit down with them and read them The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. I suggest this book because in it much is expressed in the innocent language of children. The endless stories and analogies can lead their minds on an independent journey to see for themselves a greater message for life and a larger value in life.

To be continued ..


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