Bhagavad Gita for the Modern life : Swami Udit Chaithanya


Some times back we saw Kama, the lowest level of a person’s character evolution. Today we will see KRODHA or ANGER, the worst quality of an ego identified consciousness. Anger in life ranges from irritability, impatience, jealousy, resentment to even violence. But the angry person always feels he is expressing “ righteous anger” and “is angry because……..”

In Chapter 2:62-63, Bhagavan clearly said 5000 years ago that anger leads to delusions, loss of discrimination on how to behave, a confused intelligence and destruction of qualities.

 Today, Modern Medicine has proven that every time you become angry you throw toxic chemicals into your system.

You make it unpleasant for the person you get angry at, but you make it 1000 times more unpleasant for yourself both at a physical and mental level. A lot of people think it is a credit to be rough, tough, irritated, hot tempered and dominating. But these qualities are just expressions of a weak mind that is not able to handle a situation with calm.

People say I became angry because somebody said or did something. Understand here your mind is not being controlled by you, but by the external situation. If your mind does not take instructions from you… definitely have a lot of work to do in terms of improving yourself. Anger is not an entity that you go and hit because someone throws you there… is your creation !!!!

Anger is the child of a frustrated mind and is represented by Dussasana. The word “Du- sassana” means “difficult to control or restraint”. Anger is peace- destroying, reason-blinding and Health impairing. How to tackle this very negative vice…..we will see later.

To be continued ..


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