The Triple Path and Divine Realisation - Sri Aurobindo

There are capacities within the human being that are the basis for development of the higher forms of reason and intelligence, will and emotion.

These powers of action are the basis for the yogic paths of knowledge, works and love respectively.

Sri Aurobindo summarizes the three paths and their focus for achievement of a divine realisation :-

“Knowledge selects the reason and the mental vision and it makes them by purification, concentration and a certain discipline of a God-directed seeking its means for the greatest knowledge and the greatest vision of all, God-knowledge and God-vision. Its aim is to see, know and be the Divine. Works, action selects for its instrument the will of the doer of works; it makes life an offering of sacrifice to the Godhead and by purification, concentration and a certain discipline of subjection to the divine Will a means for contact and increasing unity of the soul of man with the divine Master of the universe. Devotion selects the emotional and aesthetic powers of the soul and by turning them Godward in a perfect purity, intensity, infinite passion of seeking makes them a means of God-possession in one or many relations of unity with the Divine Being. All aim in their own way at a union or unity of the human soul with the supreme Spirit.”


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