The Purpose of Life-5.


The sages have again and again stressed: "If one knows It (i.e., the Immortal Being) here, then there is the true end of all aspirations; if one does not know it here, great is the loss for him" (Kena-Upanishad). And sage Yajnavalkya says that all great deeds done in this world without the knowledge of the One Imperishable Being are not worth anything. Humanitarian services, fasts and charity, one’s political, national, social and individual life, should all be based on the feeling of universal brotherhood which is the external expression of the Reality of universal Selfhood.

Humanity can hope for peace when this condition, discovered and laid down by the Rishis, viz., abiding by the Law of the Divine, is fulfilled. Peace can be had only to the extent the system of the Divine is adhered to in life. And this peace is inversely proportional to the love of body, individuality and its relations in the world, in which humanity is generally steeped. An ‘awakening’ of a higher consciousness is necessary so that disorder and discontent may be abolished.

Sri Swami Sivananda
 To be continued  ....



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