Dharma and Sampradaaya -3.


The individal performs actions in the world and reaps results thereof. So the Law of Action- Karma Siddhanta and it’s discussions is also ‘dharma’. By actions one gains various fields of experiences, material objects (job relations etc), or other world (heaven, hell etc) or various other bodies (plant, animal etc.). Hence this knowledge is also called Dharma.

An action is measured not only by the outer performance, but also by the intention behind it. If one serves a rich man with an intention of gaining wealth, it is not called selfless service. These intentions depend on the values of life that we possess. Hence discussion on values is also dharma. The universal values are also samanya or maanav dharma as they are common to humanity under all circumstances, in all places and at all times. It is what makes us humane. They are truth(satya), non-injury(ahimsa), self-control(brahmacharya), etc. The application of these may differaccording to circumstances but that does not detract their value or change them. For example, when, in order to save a man, his cancerous hand may have to be amputatted, it does not mean that the doctor has no value for non-injury.

Chinmaya Mission
 To be continued  ...


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