The Secret of Being Happy-15.

(Spoken on October 19, 1972)

This Truth value is present in everything. It is in you and in everybody. Inasmuch as it is in all things, we try to love things. When we love an object, we are loving only the Truth behind it, not the form of it, because the form is untrustworthy. Yet, we mistake one thing for another. The Truth within that attracts our attention is mistaken for the body in which it is encased, and then, generally, we hug bodies, while really what attracts us is the meaning behind that body.

It is not a beautiful flower that attracts us; it is the beauty that is in the flower. Yet when we smell the flower, we cannot smell the beauty within it. Beauty is different from the beautiful object, yet we cannot make this distinction. The beauty is the Truth behind it, whereas the object is perishable. The flower can fade at any moment but the principle of beauty cannot fade; it is eternal.

The aesthetic value is as eternal a value as the moral value and the metaphysical value. So we are attracted by the eternal values present in things – philosophical, spiritual, moral or aesthetic, whatever we may call it. While these values attract us, we confound the value of form. Instead of loving beauty, we love a beautiful object and then come to grief because the object perishes, and then we think the beauty itself is dead.

That is not so.

Swami Krishnananda
To be continued  ...


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