The Secret of Life-4.


Is there not a nobler mission in life than eating, drinking and sleeping? It is difficult to get a human birth; therefore try your best to realise in this birth. Time sweeps away kings and barons. Where is Yudhishthira? Where is Ashoka? Where is Valmiki? Where is Shakespeare? Where is Napolean? Therefore be up and doing in Yogic Sadhana and you will enjoy supreme bliss. Can you expect real Santi if you waste your time in hunting after the momentary pleasures of the senses and this worldly life? Can you enjoy real happiness if you waste your time in fights and quarrels or in idle gossiping?

To live is to fight for the ideal and goal. Life is conquest. Life is a series of awakenings. Conquer your mind and the senses. These are the real enemies. Conquer your internal and external nature. You must conquer your environments, old evil habits, old evil Samskaras, evil thoughts and evil Vasanas. You must fight against the antagonistic, dark, evil forces. You must resist the forces of degeneration.

Swami Sivananda.
To be continued  ....


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