Rays from the Light Fountain -4.


The master who narrated this incident to the disciples said, "Such should be your determination, my child, such indeed should be your spirit, if you would plumb the depths of the ocean of Satchidananda." So remember the perseverance of Lord Buddha. Perseverance is a abhyasa. Abhyasa is persistent effort.

In Patanjali’s Raja Yoga, there is a sutra which says, "If you want to be established in perfect concentration, you must apply yourself persistently, not allowing yourself even a single break." Only by practicing ceaselessly with keen, unflagging interest over a protracted period of time will you ever become established in deep concentration.

Lord Krishna also said to Arjuna that perseverance would be absolutely necessary for him to bring the mind under control. He first told Arjuna to fix it, how to make it sharp and one-pointed in order to still the thoughts. And Arjuna listened carefully.

"This is all very well for you to say, Krishna. But for me it seems impossible. You tell me to still the thoughts. But stilling the thoughts is very difficult. Tell me to capture the wind, and put it into a net bag. That may be possible. But to capture the mind, and completely stop its movements is utterly impossible."

Lord Krishna said, "I agree with you, Arjuna, that it is very difficult to control the mind. Difficult indeed. But not impossible. It is possible. How? By constant effort. By persevering in your struggle to control it. The mind is constantly restless. It is blazing with fire. Why? Because it is filled with desires. Do not add fuel to the fire. Remove the fuel. Then the fire will die down by itself. You must control the senses, develop dispassion, resolutely turn away from sensual pursuits. If you persevere in this effort, then the mind will become under your control."

Sri Swami Chidananda


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