Rays from the Light Fountain -2


The grandeur of life is in dedicating it to a noble cause.

If you do not win, it does not matter.

It is a small mind that is always thinking of winning.
Let the mind think greatly, grandly.

Life should be lived nobly, based upon lofty sublime principles, with a wide vision.

In the Upanishads, there is a naïve, but wonderful little story about a pair of birds who built a nest on the sea-shore, close to the waves.

The birds were sand-pipers.

They had three beautiful little eggs laid in their nest that where beginning to hatch, when, one day, while they were away getting soft things to line the nest, there came an extra big wave, rolling in from the sea, right up to the place where they had hidden the nest among the dunes.

In one lap, it swallowed the nest and swept it out to sea: eggs, nest and all.

The birds came back and could not find the nest.

The reeds and the ruses were all wet, all white, all covered with foam.

And the sea murmured.

 Sri Swami Chidananda
To be continued  ...


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