Day 5.
Like every other story in our scriptures, the stories of Devi also have powerful messages to convey. Unfortunately we often miss out on proper understanding and are intoxicated by the rituals.
During Navaratri we hear stories of Devi killing several Asuras. Mahisha, Sumba, Nisumba, Droomralocha, Chanda, Munda, Rakthabeeja etc.
If we study the Lalitha Sahasranamam, we understand Devi is not another female but the feminine powers in us that we need to invoke.
She represents the intuitive and motivational wisdom. Now, let us see who these Asuras are.
Mahishasura represented by a buffalo stands for the inertia or lethargy in us. When overwhelmed by him we eat and sleep like a buffalo, without motivation to do or achieve.
For us to achieve, we need to desire growth as well as dedicate our efforts to it. Hence our Ichasakthi should combine with Kriyasakthi.
When we put both to work for us, Divinity will come to us.
Our sages have advised us to start our day at Bhramamuhurtham (right before sunrise) to stimulate the Saraswati Nadi through which the thought functions travel.
It is the seat of emotional control and memories and if stimulated stops us from falling into memory loss.
Hence overcoming laziness, getting up in the morning and starting your day with enthusiasm is the Devi in you, killing Mahishasura.
This applies to all of your activities as well. We will look at the other asuras in the following days……..
To be continued ..
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