LAWS OF PROSPERITY IN THE HOME : 3-12. Swami Chidananda
12. Think Nobly
As you think, so you will become, just as you reap what you sow.
In the same way, you will ultimately experience and attain what you constantly think and feel.
Your inner thoughts lead to outer action.
Repeated actions grow into habits.
Such habits become permanent qualities in your very nature.
This nature goes to form your character.
Your future and your destiny is the direct result of your character.
Understand this very well. Carefully bear this in your mind.
Think and act with this knowledge.
Your inner thoughts are the seeds of your ultimate destiny.
Safeguard your thoughts and feelings.
Think nobly and virtuously.
You will become a noble man or woman.
You will attain greatness and make your life fruitful.
More than all the books that you read and study, more than all your lessons and examinations, more important than everything in life is the cultivation of virtues.
This is the source of ultimate happiness.
Become good and great.
Swami Chidananda
To be continued ..
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