Dharma and Sampradaaya -5.

Performance of one aspect of dharma cannot make us totally dharmic, for example daily visit to a temple is only one aspect of dharma as are values etc. Only a self realised man can be totally dharmic as all his actions spring from the realisation of Supreme Dharma, the Paramatman.

Supreme Dharma as already discussed, is the knowledge of the Truth or Substratum of the Jeeva – Jagat – Ishwara. One may call the truth by any name which indicates its true meaning. The Truth by its very nature is one. It must logically be free from time, space and causation, therefore birthless, deathless and eternal. Hence the Supreme Dharma is called Sanatana.

It manifests with creation and gets absorbed at the time of dissolution eg the law of gravity manifests with the matter governed by the law and would go into unmanifest condition along with the said matter. Hence Sanatana Dharma is the only dharma of creation and all beings in it. This may sound fanatic but one should try and look on it with an unprejudiced mind. Sanatana Dharma is now callled Hindu Dharma. The word Hindu was given by the persians to the people who lived on the banks of the river Sindhu.

Now let us understand the word Sampradaaya.

Sam + pra +daaya =Sampradaaya.

Chinmaya Mission
 To be continued  ...


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