Ask Yourself ‘Who am I?’ : Answer is 'Your real nature'

Bhagavan: Your real nature is always there, your meditation, etc., come only temporarily.

Reality being your Self, there is nothing for you to realise.

All that is required is that you should give up regarding the unreal as real, which is what all are doing.

The object of all meditation, dhyana or japa is only that, to give up all thoughts regarding the not-self, to give up many thoughts and to keep to the one thought.

As for sadhana, there are many methods.

You may do vichara, asking yourself ‘Who am I?’ or, if that does not appeal to you, you may do dhyana ‘I am Brahman’ or otherwise, or you may concentrate on a mantra or name in japa.

The object is to make the mind one-pointed, to concentrate it on one thought and thus exclude our many thoughts, and if we do this, eventually even the one thought will go and the mind will get extinguished in its source.

(From 'Day by Day with Bhagavan': 19-10-45 Morning)

Sri Ramana Maharishi


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