Foundations for an Educational Career-2. Swami Krishnananda



#In these days, neither the students nor the teachers are happy with the educational process, because it has been forgotten by the authorities concerned that education has to be physical, intellectual, emotional, moral, active and spiritual, all at once, in a way beautifully fitted to the conditions in which one is placed.

##The technique of education should take into consideration the average of the intelligence-quotient, health, social conditions, etc. of the students.

### It should also concentrate itself on methods for bringing about and effecting

*(1) the development of personality,

*(2) an adequate knowledge of the world,

*(3) an adjustment of self with society, and

*(4) a realisation of the permanent values of life.

#By development of personality what is meant is the wholesome building up of the individual, not only with reference to the internal states of body, mind and intellect, but also in relation to the external world reaching up to the individual through the different levels of society. 

##In this sense, true education is both a diving inward and a spreading outward. Knowledge of the world is not merely a collection of facts or gathering information regarding the contents of the physical world but forms a kind of insight into its inner workings as well, at least in so far as one's inner and outer life is inextricably wound up with them. 

###With this knowledge it becomes easy for one to discover the art of adjusting oneself with society. This adjustment is not possible in any appreciable degree for one who has not acquired some amount of knowledge of the spiritual implications of the structure of human society. 

####The aim of the education of the individual in society is the realisation of life's values-personal, social, civic and even universal; all mutually related and determined by a common goal to which these are directed.

To be continued ...




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