Bhagavad Gita for the Modern life : Swami Udit Chaithanya


The next verse says Madhava and Arjuna seated in their chariots with its yoke of white horses, blew their celestial conch shells. (BG 1:14)

When ego and other material desires disturb our world of calm and peace, the inner light, or Paramatma within us, tries to reset the inner world to Divinity again. In this verse, Krishna is described as MA…. DHAVA( meaning husband of Mother Nature or Prakriti). Only when our cosmic world is married to the spiritual world within us, true success in life, peace and calm prevails.

Today’s lesson :

A lot of people have misunderstood spirituality as sitting cross legged, chanting OM for hours without any progress made in their mental levels or the vibrations they give out. They remain angry, greedy, guilty, short- tempered, arrogant, jealous and competitive. They are quick to judge others as negative, never realizing their role in attracting negativity from others. Every person in this world is 99% positive. Only when we invoke the Divine powers in us, do we mature enough to see the POSITIVE in others and not degrade anyone. Let us develop the power to appreciate, value, commit, care, and not hurt anyone with our words. Let us have strength to acknowledge our mistakes and correct them. Only then do we hear the conch sound Paramatma makes within us. Otherwise…..all cross legged exercises are just a “spiritual sham”.

To be continued ..


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