
Whenever a physical action is undertaken, it is very clear and implied that there is an objective before it. In fact what is an action? An action is a process during which, you begin from a point and reach the end point called the outcome or objective. It is like a line which necessarily connects two given points. So an action is itself designed with a view to produce an outcome. If the action is pursued to completion, the outcome will necessarily follow. Sometimes there can be factors that intercept the process of action. Then you may think about those factors, which are likely to intercept and try to safeguard against them.

That is part of the action. To that extent everything is okay. Now, what is this further expectation? While doing an action, do you have to keep on saying, "By this action, I expect such and such outcome; by this action, I expect that outcome" like a mantra? Suppose I keep on the fire a pot with five litres of water. If the flame is kept up, the water is bound to get heated and start boiling. I only have to make sure that the water is not allowed to steam unnecessarily.

Apart from keeping the water on fire and making sure that the flame is on, what is the further expectation to boil?

A child is born. You feed the child, clothe him and allow him to sleep. Can you feed him at one stretch for two days, three days or one month? Every time as the child asks for food, you start feeding. Every time it is only a one-time feeding and everyday it becomes three or four times, and the day passes. And then the next day comes. But mind you, you only feed the child once at a time. Apart from feeding the child and looking after, what further action is necessary? Suppose you have expectations, but you do not nourish the child with nutrients, then do you think your expectations will fruition?

So, understand that to foster undue expectations is to constrict the mind and make it weak.

To be continued ..


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