Lord Krishna, His Lilas and Teachings - 7. Sri Swami Sivananda

End of Parikshit :-

Once upon a time Parikshit went on a hunting excursion. He got fatigued and felt intense thirst. So he entered the cottage of the sage Samika. The sage was absorbed in meditation and so he was not aware of the presence of the king. Parikshit was very much annoyed that the sage did not treat him with hospitality. Further, he was very much tormented by hunger and thirst. He thought, “This sage is pretending to be absorbed in contemplation in order to avoid the usual courtesies and the ordinary hospitality due to me. He is showing his contempt to me.” Then he picked up with the edge of his bow the carcass of a serpent, threw it as a garland over the neck of the sage and walked away.

The youthful son of the sage, Sringi, who was playing on the bank of the adjoining river with other boys, came to know from some playmate that King Parikshit had put a dead serpent over the neck of his father. He cursed the king and said that the serpent Takshaka should bite him on the seventh day therefrom, for his mischievous and indecent act. The boy then ran to the cottage and saw the serpent on the neck of his father and cried bitterly. The sage was roused by the commotion set by his son. He opened his eyes, threw off the dead snake and asked the boy the cause for his lamentation. The boy told him all that had happened.

The sage was very much afflicted at his curse and said, “O my son, you have been very ignorant and rash. Kings are the embodiment of Lord Vishnu on earth. They protect their subjects through their power, justice and prestige and maintain law and order. If there is no king, there will be anarchy in the land. His duties are difficult and arduous. He has serious responsibilities. If the king punishes you as you deserve, you may be at least purified of the sin caused by your curse. But the King Parikshit is a great devotee. He will never retaliate. He will accept your curse thankfully as an expiation for his thoughtlessness. Further, he is not to be blamed at all. I have failed in my duty as a subject, in not giving to him the respect due to his rank and position. I have failed in my duty as a host, in not giving him food and water. He did not deserve at all a curse from you. May God forgive you for the sin you have committed in your ignorance.”

Then the sage sent his disciple to the king informing him of his son’s folly and entreated him to take the necessary precautions to guard his precious life.

King Parikshit reached his palace, and rested himself for some time. He repented very much for his foolish and rash action. The disciple of the sage came to him with the message. The king felt intensely relieved in mind. He accepted the curse as an atonement and a blessing in disguise.

He reflected within himself, “I lost my understanding and sense of right and wrong on account my wealth and position. I was puffed up with pride. I have become more wise now. I have developed Vairagya. The curse will expiate my sinful act towards a great sage. It gives me time to fix my mind on Lord Krishna, whose friendship alone can bestow eternal bliss.”

Thus saying, King Parikshit entrusted his kingdom to his son and sat on the sacred banks of the Ganga with a strong determination not to rise from there till his mind was absorbed in Lord Krishna and his mortal coil was thrown away.

The news reached the ears of the Rishis. They all assembled to witness the devotion of the mighty king. The king welcomed them with folded hands and asked their advice as to how he could best utilise his time in the service of Lord Krishna. Various Rishis prescribed various methods. At this moment Suka arrived; King Parikshit repeated his question to the sage.

Suka replied, “Lord Krishna should always be thought of. His name should always be on your lips. His Lilas and qualities should always be heard and meditated upon. His presence should always be felt by you. This is the only best way of utilising your time and remembering Him at the time of death which will lead to eternal bliss.

“Do not think, O great King Parikshit, that you have only a short week before you. Rajarshi Khatwanga rendered great help to the Devas in battle. The Devas told him to ask for a boon in return for his services. Khatwanga asked the Devas to tell him how much unexpired time there was in his lease of life for him to enjoy the boon which he earned. He was told that he had only one Muhurta (one hour) before him. He desired that he might attain union immediately with the Lord. The Devas said, ‘Be it so’. He concentrated his mind on the Lord with great devotion and attained eternal bliss.”

Suka continued, “Therefore, O King! fix your mind with intense devotion on the Lord. Do not think of the things of this world. Listen to the glories of Lord Krishna and His manifold Lilas. These are summed up in the Bhagavata which I learnt from my father Sri Vyasa.”

Thereupon Suka recited Bhagavata to king Parikshit. King Parikshit heard it with intense devotion and concentration, fixed his mind on the Lord and attained union with Him.
The Fate of Non-Believers

Some ignorant and thoughtless people say that Lord Krishna is an ordinary man only, with some good qualities. They say that he has come from lower stages. Some find fault with his life and character. They say: “Krishna is not the Lord. He is not an Avatara. He is a passionate cowherd who lustfully played with the Gopis.”

Those who find fault with the Lord have no idea of His greatness and glory, as they have not practised Yoga, as their faults have not been purged by the practice of Yama and Niyama, and as they have not taken recourse to Satsanga with sages. They have no real insight into Adhyatmic science.

Can there be a tinge of passion in the Lord? Was He not a boy of seven years at the time of Rasa Lila? Who can understand the secret of Rasa Lila and Madhurya Bhava, the culmination of highest Bhakti, Atmanivedana or total surrender to the Lord? It is only Narada, Suka Deva, Chaitanya, Mira, Ramananda or the Gopis that could understand the secret of Rasa Lila. Did He not multiply as countless Krishnas? Can a human being perform this miraculous deed?

Just listen to what Sri Swami Madhusudana Saraswati, a Yogi of highest realisation says: “I know not anything higher than the lotus-eyed Krishna with hands adorned with flute, looking like a heavy-laden cloud with His face shining like the full moon. Let the Yogis, with their mind controlled by the practice of meditation, visualise that Nirguna, actionless, indescribable and supreme Jyoti, if they want; but for us, that blue-shining figure that moves here and there on the banks of the Kaalindi fiver, ever comes before our eyes.”

What is the fate of such people who cavil and carp against the Lord? Just listen, “Those devoid of reason think of Me as an ordinary human being having taken a body from the unmanifested state on account of Prarabdha. They know not My supreme nature, imperishable, most excellent (Gita chapter VII—24). The foolish disregard Me, when clad in human semblance, ignorant of My supreme nature, the great Lord of beings. Empty of hope, empty of deeds, empty of wisdom, senseless, they verily are possessed of the deceitful, brutal, demoniacal nature (IX—11, 12). They enwrapped in darkness, think wrong to be right and see things in a perverted light. These men know neither action nor renunciation, neither purity nor right conduct, neither truth nor uprightness. They do not know what ought to be done and what ought not to be done. Deluded birth after birth, they wander in the worldly mire of Samsara, suffering innumerable ills and miseries, and never attain salvation.”

It is very difficult for busy people to go through the whole book of Bhagavata. Therefore, I have condensed Sri Krishna’s life, Lilas and Teachings in this book in a most palatable and tasteful form. Even if you study one or two pages daily, you will develop devotion towards the Lord and attain eternal peace, bliss and immortality.

May you all drink the nectar of Bhagavata! May you all be endowed with faith and devotion to the Lord! May you all lead a life of purity and righteousness! May Lord Krishna be your centre, ideal and goal! May His blessings be upon you all! May the truths of Bhagavata be revealed unto you all, like the Amalaka fruit in hand, through the grace of Sri Krishna! Glory to Sri Vyasa and to Sri Suka!

May Lord Krishna, the joy of Devaki, the very life of Radha, the indweller of our hearts, the beloved of the Gopis protect and guide you all! May you all hear once more His sweet flute, the celestial music of the soul! May He become the charioteer of this body! May you all abide in Him for ever and enjoy the eternal bliss and supreme Peace!!


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