Yoga for Health, Happiness and World Peace-3. Sri Swami Chidananda


I deem it a great spiritual privilege, I deem it a great blessedness to be amidst you at this moment and to have this opportunity of serving you by sharing whatever ideas I have gained, I have received from the Holy Master whom I had the blessedness and privilege and good fortune to serve.

And, therefore, it is with a sense of humble gratitude to the Supreme Being who has given to me this wonderful occasion, this chance and opportunity of sharing with you all, I commence to offer to you these ideas regarding the subject of this evening.

Already some valuable ideas have been shared with you by Dato’ K. Padmanaban Ji during his brief, but full words, as the Chairman of this evening’s function. He has spoken to you about the sorry state of modern man. Wherever you see, wherever you go, one of the multibillion dollar industries is pharmaceuticals. These multinational, multibillion dollar undertakings are to produce medicines.

That itself is proof-positive that diseases are widespread. The United Nations Organisation had also thought it fit to have a separate branch—WHO—to look after the health of humanity. In this context, he made a very significant reference to this ancient science of health Svaasthyasastra, a significant reference that the Yoga approach was the approach of wisdom.

To be continued ..


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