Be Master of the Mind and Intellect! : - 8 to 10. Swami Chidananda


And this witnessing factor is the Spirit, the breath of God. Herein lies our solution. Identify with this third factor, this important factor, this witnessing spiritual factor. Refuse to be drawn into a state of identification with not only the body, refuse to be drawn into a state of identification with even the mind, with even the intellect, with even the psyche.

"I am higher than the mind, I am higher than the intellect. I can help the intellect to free itself from the mind, if need be." In this way, we must understand our interior, the life and the power of this higher third factor, which is beyond even the psyche and which is superior to the mind as well as to the intellect. Therein lies the possibility of uplifting ourselves to a state even higher than this unseen inner dimension of our being. Therein lies the key and the solution to be master of the entire situation—which is your rightful role in this entire set-up of the human personality.

Claim your rightful role! Play your rightful role. Assume charge. Be firmly established in this role. Exercise it. Let it play the most important part in your life, in your daily activities. In this lies your real good. In this lies true inner success. May God and Gurudev help us to do this!

The End.


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