The first Guru for Raman during his youth was Vasishta Maharshi.


Sunday, December 06, 2020. 12:3. PM.


The first Guru for Raman during his youth was Vashishta Maharshi. 

Through this great Guru, Raman learnt the Truth of Life. 

None of us have been as lucky as Sri Raman to obtain this knowledge that he received from Maharishi Vasishta. 


What is Life , How to Live and Why should one live..... all this is what none of us have learnt. 

What all of us learn is to Just Live, but what is Life? 

What we do not get to know and cannot explain, Sri Raman had understood. 


Sri Raman understands that a Conscious Mind is Life. 

It is with the awakening of the Conscious Mind , that the body too wakes up and starts connecting with the outside world. 

If the Conscious Mind does not wake up we have no Life. 


A person who is fast asleep, does he have a Life? 

Once that mind is at rest then there is no connection with the outside world. 

The knowledge Sri Raman gained regarding this MIND is what Raman learnt from Maharishi Vashistha. 


Life science ( Jeeva Shastram or Biology ) that we all study at school is considered as a study of Life but we should ask ..... 

In a body where the Pranan or Life force has left, is there any Life left there? 

If cell (body) is that which has life then in this body if mind leaves along with pranan from that body then where is Life ? 

Do you think that the mind has evolved from the body? 

Where did this mind come from? 

How did this mind evolve? 

From where is its root. 


All this Raman learnt from his Guru Vashishta Maharishi. 

Through various situations in the Ramayanm, Sri Rama answers all these questions.




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