*WittyWednesday *WhyGod : Swami Chinmayananda


If I get a million dollar in the bank then I retire and I enjoy my cigar. When you get one *million then you find, one million. What is there, it is no good . It is very little.

Two million, two million, three million, three million five million.Ten million.. and there afterwards you are afraid of the whole world. The taxman also is taking away, the government is taking away, my neighbours are taking away .Everybody will take.

Day and night you have no sleep. You call the doctor and the doctor gives you few medicines. Within few days you die.Why did you die? Because of the tension. Tension of what? The ten million that I got. Where did you get it? By struggling hard. My effort.By my *effort I got the *money and the money killed me.

Here you are. Everyone. It is not now, your great grandfather also did the same thing. Grand father...This is the *nature of the *world. The intelligent man stands apart and watches what is this gain, it is not worth the candle. Searching for something that is not there you can get pleasure. I don’t say so, you can get pleasure.

Pleasure is not what you are asking. What you are demanding in life is happiness. Happiness is not pleasure. Pleasure is momentary. *Aaaaah! next moment *Hooo! That is called *pleasure.

What you want is happiness permanent *eternal. Permanent *happiness cannot be in the realm of time because the time is constantly changing. So we must go beyond *time.

This is where Einstein reached and said that you can’t go beyond time and therefore we must keep on suffering in the present state of *evolution.

The great mighty Masters of the Vedic period, they did not stop there, they saw that time is that because of which I am ever in the changing vicissitudes of *life.

I am being buffeted up and down by the BMI and OET. I don’t want to be a slave like that, I want to be a master of myself .



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